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Shmoop SAT Flashcards

4.6 ( 9636 ratings )
ألعاب التعليم التعليمية كلمة
المطور: Shmoop University, Inc.
0.99 USD

Stuck on a long flight with a terrible in-flight movie? Cramming for the SAT on the morning of the exam?

Shmoops SAT Flashcards iOS app is everything you need to dig into and get your head wrapped around the words for the SAT.

Key features include:

- Four SAT Bundles totaling over 1501+ words.
- Examples of how to use each word in context and in jokes to wow your friends.
- Examples of how each word is used in literature, poetry, history, civics, and bestsellers. These words arent just for the SAT.
- Mark words you find difficult and focus on those words.
- View all the words on one screen for your scrolling pleasure.

Have a question or idea? Let us know: [email protected]

About Shmoop:
Become a better lover (of literature, history, life). See many sides to the argument. Find your writing groove. Understand how lit and history are relevant today. Show your brain a good time.

Shmoop writers from primarily from the Ph.D. and Masters programs at Stanford, Harvard, and UC Berkeley. Many of our writers have taught at the high school and college levels. We hold ourselves to the highest academic standards. We source and cite our work so teachers and students can feel confident when using and when citing Shmoop as a source in essays and papers.

Shmoop (http://www.shmoop.com) offers fun, smart, plain-spoken study guides and teacher resources. Our guides are written by Ph.D. and Masters students from top U.S. universities like Stanford, Harvard, and UC Berkeley.